Raijintek Nemesis consists of a copper base, five nickel-plated U-shape heatpipes, and a pair of asymmetric aluminum heatspreaders, accompanied by two fans of xx25 mm standard. This size will usually be incorrect. We use the highest quality base papers, inks and adhesives and guarantee them to be compatible with our equipment. These drivers will not return status on any interface. This method will work with any PC and any software while supporting full bi-directional communication. We strongly recommend against the use of this feature.
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Custom Size - This option is only available in some versions of Word. High resolution graphics and a variety of industry standard bar codes can be easily printed.

Adding a new page size "create a new form" is described in detail below. Top plates are substituted for hoppers on vertical printers.

Raijintek Nemesis consists of a copper base, five nickel-plated U-shape heatpipes, and a pair of asymmetric aluminum heatspreaders, accompanied by two fans of xx25 mm standard. We strongly recommend against the use of this feature.

DO NOT contact us if you do not meet these qualifications. We do not recommend the use of this method. If you see the printer name in the Printers folder, Right click to delete it. A printer driver translates the graphical information displayed in your Windows application into a printer friendly format. As seen from the codenames, the units are estimated for W and W power correspondingly. In the event that you accidentally install the wrong driver, it may be necessary to completely remove all traces of the old driver files in order to successfully install a new driver.

We strongly discourage the use of PCL4 drivers for new Windows-based applications. Word also provides you with the unique ability to define a custom page size within the application itself. This storage device, performed in a rugged enclosure, is said to sustain falling from the 3 m height on a carpeted concrete surface.

Lemur-S Internal ticket storage Size: In order to purchase Boca or Practical Automation printers from usyou must either be a Box Office Xpress customer, or a user of an unsupported discontinued ticketing software program, or your ticketing software vendor does not sell ticket printers and asked you to buy them somewhere else. This driver is only to be used with PCL mode printers.

Lemur External fed tickets Size: See the instructions below if you are using the Parallel to USB conversion cable. All of the printers with the exception of the Lemur-S internal storage are available in a kiosk version. Any other third-party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owner. The Top Plate option is used so that the mount is flush with the counter top and tickets are extruded upwards. In most cases you will select — LPT1 Recommended printer port.

Prices subject to change without notice. If your printer has a factory installed USB interface, your printer should automatically install if you have the Boca drivers installed. Printer cables are not included see above pricing.


Make it your default printer when printing tickets. Out of the box customers get a device, formatted for Mac-operated computers, however, when reformatted, it becomes compatible with the Windows OS.

Our printer technology BOCA's Lemur family of ticket printers are the most flexible and powerful direct thermal printers on the market today. Search for drivers by ID or device name Known devices: We will replace any print head gfl fails while rgl using BOCA stock, if not caused by negligence. If your desired ticket size is unavailable, you will need to add your own page size as follows: Your printer may also be used as a Parallel printer if you have a Parallel port on your computer.

All Lemur ticket printers.
